Terms & Conditions
1. Companionship membership is open only to Indian Muslims. 2. Members must be 18 years of age or older. 3. Individuals with a criminal record or pending police cases are not eligible to join. 4. Every member must abide by the group’s rules and regulations. Violations can lead to the revocation of membership. 5. Religious-related messages, promotion of any religion, or discussions about political parties are strictly prohibited within the group. Companionship aims to foster unity among Muslims beyond religious and political affiliations. 6. No political propaganda or discussions about political parties are allowed within the group. These discussions are strictly prohibited. 7. Everyone should follow the meeting process decided by the board and attend meetings. Attendance at meetings is governed by the attendance policy of the board. According to the attendance policy, if you do not attend meetings, your membership will be canceled. 8. In this group, you can promote your businesses/products. Only businesses with proper licenses can be promoted here. There is no affiliation between your business and the group/organization. Any personal/financial liabilities that may arise among members have no connection with the organization. If you engage in any unlawful activities, it will not be associated with the organization. 9. Illegal/substance abuse/alcohol or drug-related businesses are prohibited in the group. Also, businesses dealing with medicines or food items without proper licenses are not allowed. 10. Leads or commissions related to your business should not be shared with any members directly or indirectly. As mentioned above, if anyone does so, their membership will be revoked. 11. Members in the group must adhere to the group rules strictly. Unauthorized expulsion of members from the group rests with the board. 12. There is a WhatsApp group for the organization. The WhatsApp group operates with its own set of rules and all members must adhere to these rules. The board decides WhatsApp group rules. 13. In case of any issues between members, it should be brought to the attention of the organization first. If the issue remains unresolved, it should be escalated to the board. Only after following this process, the issue should be raised in the group. 14. Once a member leaves the Companionship group, they should not invite or include members from this group in any other groups. Members should not be divided into different WhatsApp groups. Members should not create any rifts based on caste, creed, seniority, or any other differences. Any such discrimination or differentiation will result in the removal of membership. 15. Every member should renew their membership every 11 months (30 days prior). If membership renewal is not done, information should be provided to the organization regarding any changes. Failure to renew membership will result in the removal of membership. 16. After adding new visitors to the organization and they join Companionship membership, all members are considered equal. Any distinctions, whether new, old, big, or small, should not be made. If anyone does otherwise, their membership will be revoked. 17. The board has the authority to decide membership fees, renewals, meeting registration fees, and other operational fees without any error. Any changes in fees will be communicated to the members. The authority to make changes in fees lies solely with the board. 18. After promoting the organization, speaking on behalf of it, or bringing in new members, they should not be removed from the group. 19. Once you are familiar with the organization’s policies, only then should you speak about them. Conversations about policies should only happen as per the board’s decision. Any changes in policies should be communicated by the board. 20. The authority to make changes in policies, principles, or organizational matters related to other subjects rests solely with the founders of the board/org. Any changes should be made for the growth of the organization. Companionship – Meetings Meetings are organized every week on a specific day, either in the morning or evening, as decided by the board. The meeting duration is from 90 to 120 minutes. The agenda, subject, and conduct of the meeting are determined by the board. Meetings should not include discussions on politics or religions. Only the discussions regarding the topic decided by the board/org should be held. The board has the authority to change the meeting day and time. Registration fees are applicable for every meeting. The board decides the registration fee. The cost of registration will be collected only by registered members. Membership/member/org/board distinctions apply. Every member should register. All members should be maintaining utmost discipline during the meetings. The board decides the meeting’s activities. During the meeting, presentations about members are held, ranging from 30 seconds to 60 seconds. The board determines this time. Every week, the meeting covers topics such as job growth, business updates, tax matters, skills/leadership/personality development, and any other subject decided by the board. Meeting procedures are all about fostering companionship growth. Without causing any disturbance, members have 10 to 15 minutes to learn about each other’s presentations during the month. This presentation is mandatory for the org team. There should be no tension during the meeting. Efforts to create tension among members result in the cancellation of their membership. No member shall arrive late for the meeting scheduled by the org/board. Each individual should be present on time for the meeting and stay until the entire meeting is concluded. After the meeting, snacks/meals will be arranged. The board has the authority to decide the meeting location, time, and menu. Throughout the year, the board decides how many meetings will take place. Members must strictly adhere to the board’s decisions. The responsibility of conducting the meetings is upon the org team. The org team conducts the meeting according to a full schedule provided by the board. The meetings shall be conducted systematically following the schedule as per the org team’s instructions. Members must participate actively and adhere to meeting rules. Attendance policy shall not be applicable for group members under following conditions: 1. In the case if medical illness if the members or their family members, have valid doctor certificates are exempted from attending meetings due to health reasons. The attendance policy does not apply to them during this period of illness. 2. Group members who have weddings, auspicious events, or if they are going on pilgrimage such as Hajj and Umrah are exempted from the attendance policy. They should provide appropriate documentation to the Org team. 3. Members who have joined the organization for business development purposes are required to attend a minimum of 24 meetings annually. Business-related leads promotion and presentations, as well as development goals, should be the primary focus of these members. The organization does not guarantee any specific business growth. 4. Doctors who are members are exempt from the attendance policy as their attendance depends on their availability. 5. Private and government employees who are members of the organization are required to attend a minimum of 24 meetings annually. They should attend at least 16 meetings within a year with a 40% ratio. The above policies do not apply to directors of the board, founders, and ambassadors who have key roles in the organization. They have full authority to make decisions regarding the attendance policy for group members. Members should not involve the board in their personal matters. COMPANIONSHIP ACTIVITIES, MEMBERSHIP/SUBSCRIPTION, REGISTRATION & OTHER FEES: Companionship is a private organization. It aims to unite the Muslim community without discrimination based on caste, sect, politics, and financial differences, working towards the growth of the Muslim community in various fields such as business, employment, mental and financial development, serving the nation. This is the goal of Companionship. MEMBERSHIP (SUBSCRIPTION) FEES: Companionship has an annual subscription amount for obtaining membership. Members must renew their membership subscription annually. The organization utilizes this subscription amount for its operations and the salaries of the board of directors. Accounts and financial details related to the subscription/membership amounts are not disclosed to the members. The organization decides the subscription amounts to be paid. The subscription/membership amounts are kept as minimal and reasonable as possible. For instance, since October 2020, Companionship’s membership fee has been 5000 INR. The subscription amount may increase for the organization’s expenses. Once a subscription amount is deducted, it cannot be refunded. Only those who have registered initially are eligible for membership. Changing one’s name after registration does not grant membership to others. Knowledge about the membership and other registration fees should only be made known to the organization. MEETINGS REGISTRATION FEE: Every week, during the course of a year, registration fees for each meeting and activity will be collected from the members only. Only through the registration fee collected from the members will each weekly meeting be conducted. This amount will be used for the growth of the group and also for expenses like hall rent & meals after the meeting. It is only the ORG team who will use the remaining amount, if any, which has not been collected from the members. COMPANION 15 MINUTES PRESENTATION CHARGES/FEE: In the first meeting of each month, members who attended the meeting will introduce themselves to others in a short talk of 30 to 60 seconds. They will share details about their name, profession/business/occupation, achievements, hobbies, sports, and life goals. Only members have the opportunity to provide assistance and cooperation needed by the group for their progress, development, and journey in the direction of success. This is what the presentation entails. For those who attended the meeting, the full meeting (90 minutes) is facilitated by 4/5 members at a time in short slots of 12-15 minutes each. Members need to provide complete information about themselves, such as their birthplace, education, sports, achievements, and their profession/business/occupation, and life goals. The group members are expected to help each other and provide support and assistance in all the matters discussed during the meeting. This opportunity is available to all the members. They should utilize this opportunity. Each member is allotted 12-15 minutes to present. The group ensures that every member’s turn to present is made available. Extra slots can be given for the presentation. In case the meeting expenses (meals, venue, etc.) total 10,000 INR for a day, each of the 4/5 members will contribute 2500 INR towards it. The amount should be collected from the members on the same day. Once collected, the amount cannot be refunded. Renewal of the membership in Companionship should be done yearly. Each member must present at least once a year on a subject of their choice, which has to be communicated to the ORG team beforehand. The subject that should not relate to the group and should not be related to religion, politics, and controversy. If presented once, the presentation should be completely finished in a slot of 12-15 minutes. Once it is presented, the person can use their slot for meals and other expenses happening on that day. If the presentation is not made at least once a year, the renewal should not happen. Everything about the presentation, how to do it, what should be done, what should be presented about, everything is the complete responsibility of the member. COMPANIONSHIP AMENDMENTS: In Companionship, the terms, conditions, and main objectives specified above have been written for the growth of the organization members only. All the rights to amend any or all aspects mentioned above for the growth of companionship and its members are solely held by the organization. The essential and proper registrations and licenses related to the statute are held only by the Companionship Network. Once any issues arise, these can be rectified and registered under the authority of the organization. TRADEMARK & COPYRIGHTS: For the Companionship network, all the rights over the logo, trademarks, conditions, and main objectives, as well as the programs listed above, are held exclusively by our organization. The Companionship Network logo, main objectives, programs, and community development, subscriptions, Leader Board, organization, directors, and terms and conditions can be copied by anyone that is related to the organization, except for subject lines, and this copying right should not be for anyone. Once copied, the violators will be subject to serious legal actions.